Thank God there are no "illegals" in God's Kingdom ... and on a more practical level, a nation that has spent trillions on war certainly can handle this.
It's people, just plain people, looking for a better life. Driven by desperate circumstances, love for their children, hope for the future, seeking safety and refuge.
God's arms are open; I pray that ours are, too.
Sure, some will say, "Criminals are in their ranks," and that may be true ... but there are thousands of people willing to work hard, to make a contribution to our nation's future.
When the Italians came, when the Hungarians and Irish came, when the Poles and Germans came, they were labeled "second class," "criminal," and "low-lifes." But millions came, and lifted up this nation, and their children went to school, to become doctors and scientists, ministers and teachers, librarians and engineers.
It's all about the future. Some won't make it; some will make the wrong turn; but millions will become Americans - true blue Americans.
And that's what makes this nation great.