Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Political Parties, Politicians, All Alike

To a post complaining that the parties are all the same, I wrote the following:

True certainly, but not entirely accurate ... there was a difference between John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, between Abe Lincoln and Stephen Douglas, between Hoover and FDR ... Goldwater and Johnson, Hillary and Trump. 

Historically, our choices have always been limited, but such is life - we have to parse the differences, and go with the differences that have a better chance of calling forth some of our better angels. 

Every president has caused problems, and solved problems - some have catered to the Oligarchy, some have remembers the people.

Our present darkness is unique to Rumpy. Hillary might very well have created her own set of problems that we would protest, but the current configuration of wealth and religion would not have occurred with a Hillary administration.