Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Conservatives Love Categories

Conservatives love categories ... racial, nation-of-origin, color, religion, class, gender, orientation, age, size, intelligence, shape of the head, or whatever else can used to divide and conquer, leading to social discord and war.

All of these categories, for the Conservative, define who's in and who's out, who counts and who doesn't, who has rights and who shouldn't have any. And if of a christian bent, who's going to heaven, and who's going to hell.

These Covid-19 Days have seen added to the mix of categories: the elderly, the health-compromised, and the incarcerated.

It's ok for the elderly to get sick and die ... and the health-compromised, too ... and surely the incarcerated. What are they doing in prison in the first place? Shame on them.

The Conservative Mind is rigid with its distinctions and more than willing to cast off those deigned inferior, dangerous, or undeserving.

If you're a Conservative and don't like what I've written, ask yourself Why?

Do you rely on these kinds of categories to distinguish yourself from others? Believe yourself (humbly, of course) to be morally superior, spiritually higher in rank, closer to God, more deserving of life, privilege, and comfort?

In the realm of God, which is important to me, and sets the standard, or so I believe, these sorts of distinctions are a script from hell, and not of Christ, nor of the Hebrew Prophets.

To Christ, and to the Prophets, I look for guidance ... as best I can. I may be mistaken, but I think a life lived with with open arms is a whole lot more peace-inducing and rewarding than a life lived with arms folded in a defiant rejection of others.

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