Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Baalism - Alive and Well in Christian America

The obscene differential in income is a genuine issue for anyone who takes Scripture serious, Jewish or Christian. God's vision of justice is clearly one of balance - not perfect balance, but dynamically so, where the haves have not too much, and the have-nots have not too little (2 Corinthians 8.15). 

Surprising how many Christians pay no attention to the Bible's economic/social justice materials, opting, instead, to worship Baal, the feel-good God of Money and Power and libido.

And that's the point: Baalism is a feel-good religion - all about me, my welfare and my salvation.

Ancient Israel was able to skillfully confuse Baalism with the worship of Yahweh.

People bought it hook, line and sinker. When the prophets said, "You're worshipping Baal," they replied, "No we're not. Look at our temple, look at our liturgy, listen to our hymns and prayers - they're all to the God Israel."

But Baalism it was.

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