Thursday, November 13, 2008

Welcome to Chat & Chew News

The video on our national debt in alarming ...

Click HERE to see it ...

Post a comment here ... would like to see what you think.

1 comment:

  1. I'm almost 50 and for most of my adult life politics and the US ecomomy have defied commons sense analysis. As one of the TV journalists said "Trillion and Gazillion were the words we used for numbers to big to comprehend" and now it is the common magnitude of the national debt.

    I think this signals the point at which American government has to stop speaking it's own language and operating on it's own scale. The grass roots efforts that we as individuals employ, turning of lights when leaving a room, walking more, driving less, buying generic instead of name brand, have to be the scale and granularity that the government must adopt. The still rampant attitude that "it's the government, they can afford it" must go. No more $8000 claw hammers at the Pentagon. The contractors and businesses who call our government their customers must stop their bilking and the government must stop being bilked.

    It's high time that we demand accountability and clear explanation from our leaders and if they can't provide it let them lose their jobs. This well isn't bottom-less.
